Donatus, Aelius

Donatus, Aelius

Roman grammarian
flourished 4th century AD

      famous grammarian and teacher of rhetoric at Rome, one of whose pupils was Eusebius Hieronymus (later St. Jerome).

      Donatus wrote a large and a small school grammar, Ars maior and Ars minor. The latter was written for young students and gives, by question and answer, elementary instruction in the eight parts of speech. It remained in use throughout the European Middle Ages, and its author's name in the forms donat and donet came to meangrammaror any kind oflesson.” The larger work, in three parts, deals with the elements of grammar, the eight parts of speech, and errors and beauties of language. Donatus has little claim to originality, but his grammar was often cited by other authors, and many commentaries were written on it. Donatus also wrote commentaries on Terence and Virgil. The former in its original form is lost, and the version that has survived lacks the notes on the Heauton timorumenos (The Self Tormentor). Donatus' valuable commentary was based on excellent sources and on careful study of Terence. It contains interesting notes on scenic representation and comparisons with Greek originals. Of the commentary on Virgil there survive only the preface and dedication, a life of Virgil, the introduction to the Bucolics, and quotations.

      Aelius Donatus is to be distinguished from Tiberius Claudius Donatus, probably late 4th century AD, author of the Interpretationes Vergilianae, a commentary on the Aeneid.

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