Deventer, Conrad Theodor van

Deventer, Conrad Theodor van

Dutch statesman
born Sept. 29, 1857, Dordrecht, Neth.
died Sept. 27, 1915, The Hague

      Dutch jurist and statesman whose article Een eereschuld (“A Debt of Honour”) and ideas had a profound influence on the development of the colonial Ethical Policy in the Dutch East Indies.

      Van Deventer, educated in the law, left in 1880 for the Indies, where he worked as a lawyer and held various judicial posts. The outer islands (i.e., those outside Java) were of particular interest to him. On returning to The Netherlands in 1897, he joined the Liberal Democratic Party and drafted a new colonial program that emphasized welfare of the indigenous peoples, decentralization of administrative authority, and employment of more Indonesians in high government positions. In 1899 Een eereschuld appeared in De Gids, a progressive periodical. The Dutch, he insisted, should repay the full amount that had been extracted from the Indies since 1867 (when Parliament took over responsibility for the colonies) by pouring money into the Indies' education and economy. His suggestions formed the basis of the Ethical Policy, which was adopted in 1901 and which recognized the moral responsibilities of Dutch guardianship of the Indies.

      Van Deventer served twice in Parliament, in 190509 and from 1913 until his death.

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