Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Palestinian political organization
Arabic  Al-Jabhah al-Dīmūqrāṭiyyah li-Taḥrīr Filasṭīn,  

      one of several organizations associated with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); it engaged in acts of terrorism in the 1970s and '80s and originally maintained a Marxist-Leninist orientation, believing the peasants and the working classes should be educated in socialism in order to bring about a democratic state of Jews and Arabs free of Zionism and imperialism.

      Originating in the leftist swing of the 1960s and founded by a Jordanian Orthodox Christian, Naʿīf Hawatmeh (Hawatmeh, Naʿīf), in 1969, the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (as it was originally named) was envisioned as a political movement distinct from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which had been founded to provide an umbrella group for militant Palestinian groups. The DFLP stood ideologically to the left of the PFLP and claimed that its enemies were Zionist upper-class colonists. In 1974 it took responsibility for an especially brutal terrorist attack in Maʿalot, Israel, in which several dozen schoolchildren were taken hostage and a number of them killed, and another raid in Bet Sheʾan. The DFLP was also wary of becoming too closely associated with Arab governments and was critical of other pro-Palestine groups for ignoring conservative forces within the Arab world. Its leaders were among the earliest proponents of a Palestiniannational authority,” which eventually evolved into a call for a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The PLO has adopted this proposal since 1974.

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Universalium. 2010.

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