Defense of Rights, Associations for the

Defense of Rights, Associations for the

▪ Turkish history
Turkish  Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyetleri,  

      patriotic league formed in Anatolia and in Thrace in 1918, after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. Its purposes were to defend Turkey against foreign occupation and to preserve its territorial integrity, and it served as the political instrument of the Turkish struggle for independence (1918–22).

      The league was actually a coalition of middle-class organizations, composed of town notables, ulama (men of religious learning), landlords, merchants, and petty government officials (many of whom were members of the Committee of Union and Progress, which was dissolved in 1918). In 1919 Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk, Kemal) (later Atatürk) arrived in Anatolia as inspector general of the 3rd Army and established contacts with the groups there. Mustafa Kemal resigned his post that July and persuaded the Association for the Defense of Rights of Eastern Anatolia to call a congress, which met in Erzurum July 23–August 7. At a second congress, in Sivas on September 4–11, the nationwide Association for the Defense of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia (Ottoman provinces in the Balkans) was formed, with a permanent representative committee under Mustafa Kemal.

      In December the associations controlled the elections, and the resultant parliament adopted a resolution (Jan. 28, 1920) accepting the goals that had been formulated as the National Pact at the league's two congresses—goals of national independence, territorial integrity, and armed resistance to foreign occupation. After Allied forces occupied Istanbul (March 1920) and Mustafa Kemal convened the Grand National Assembly (GNA) in Ankara on April 23, two factions of the defense associations clashed in the Assembly: the modernists supported a republican regime, and the conservatives favoured the monarchy. Mustafa Kemal then formed his own defense-of-rights group, and the national elections of 1923 (held after successes in the war of independence) not only unseated the parliamentary opposition but also sanctioned the transformation of Mustafa Kemal's group into a political party. That September the Association for the Defense of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia was succeeded by the People's Party (later the Republican People's Party), which ruled Turkey uninterruptedly from 1923 to 1950.

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