deep-sea fish

deep-sea fish

      in general, any species of fishes (class Osteichthyes) that are found at extreme ocean depths, usually more than 600 m and even to as much as 8,370 m (that is, about 2,000 to 27,500 feet). Mid-water species, which represent more than a dozen families of marine fishes, are characterized by huge mouths, enlarged eyes, and the presence of luminous organs on some or several parts of the body. The light-producing organs serve to attract either prey or potential mates. These and other peculiar traits of deep-sea fishes represent evolutionary adaptations to the extreme pressure, cold, and particularly the darkness of their environment. The fish life of the deep-sea habitat is among the most specialized of any habitat in the world.

      The most important groups of mid-water deep-sea fishes are the deep-sea angler fishes (anglerfish) (belonging to the suborder Ceratioidei), which lure prey within reach by dangling their extended dorsal fin spines as bait; the viperfishes (viperfish) (family Chauliodontidae), whose numerous fanglike teeth make them awesome predators; and the bristlemouths (bristlemouth) (family Gonostomatidae), which are among the most abundant fishes in the world.

      In contrast, bottom-living (benthic) forms have smaller eyes and smaller, often down-turned, mouths, and they usually lack luminous organs. They include the grenadiers (family Macrouridae), batfishes (family Ogcocephalidae), and cusk eels (family Ophidiidae).

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