- Davis, John
▪ English navigatorborn c. 1550, Sandridge, near Dartmouth, Devon, Eng.died Dec. 29/30, 1605, off Bintan Island, near SingaporeEnglish navigator who attempted to find the Northwest Passage through the Canadian Arctic to the Pacific.Davis appears to have first proposed his plan to look for the Northwest Passage in 1583 to Sir Francis Walsingham, principal secretary to Queen Elizabeth I. In 1585 he began his first northwestern expedition. Coming upon the icebound east shore of Greenland, he headed south, rounded Cape Farewell, and then sailed northward along the coast of western Greenland. Turning in what he thought was the direction of China, he sailed some distance up Cumberland Sound, which cuts into Baffin Island, but eventually turned back.He attempted to find the Northwest Passage again in 1586 and 1587. On the last of these voyages he passed through the strait (Davis Strait) named for him, entered Baffin Bay, and coasted northward along western Greenland to Disko Island, about 70° N. Davis showed some imagination in his dealings with the Greenland Eskimo. He took musicians with him and had his sailors dance to the music, which helped to establish cordial relations with these sociable people. Cape Walsingham and Cumberland Sound are among the many Arctic points that he named.Davis seems to have commanded the Black Dog against the Spanish Armada (1588) and sailed with Thomas Cavendish (Cavendish, Thomas) on his last voyage (1591). In seeking a passage through the Strait of Magellan, Davis discovered the Falkland Islands (Aug. 9, 1592). He sailed with Sir Walter Raleigh (Raleigh, Sir Walter) to Cádiz and to the Azores (1596–97) and accompanied expeditions to the East Indies in 1598 and 1601. On a third voyage to the Indies he was killed by Japanese pirates.Davis invented a device (called the backstaff, or Davis quadrant) used until the 18th century for determining latitude by reading the angle of elevation of the sun, and he wrote a treatise on navigation, The Seaman's Secret (1594). His work The World's Hydrographical Description (1595) deals with the Northwest Passage.
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Universalium. 2010.