Daendels, Herman Willem

Daendels, Herman Willem

governor general of Dutch East Indies
born , Oct. 21, 1762, Hattem, Gelderland, Neth.
died May 2, 1818, Elmina, Gold Coast [now Ghana]

      soldier who fought with distinction in the army of the Batavian Republic (the Dutch Republic established by Revolutionary France) and later ably administered Dutch East Indian possessions.

      Daendels was a lawyer in his native town; he led the Patriot Movement there against William V of Orange, stadtholder of the United Provinces (Netherlands). In 1787 he helped defend Amsterdam against King Frederick William II of Prussia, who had intervened on behalf of the Orangists. Exiled in France after the defeat of the Patriots, he joined the French Revolutionary army and, in 1793, took part in the French invasion of Holland.

      At the beginning of the Batavian Republic period, Daendels twice helped to overthrow the government of the United Provinces by force (January and June 1798). In 1799 Daendels, who had attained the rank of lieutenant general, successfully commanded a Dutch army at Alkmaar, Neth., against an Anglo-Russian force that was attempting to detach the Netherlands from Revolutionary France.

      He was made governor-general of the Asian colonies and possessions in 1807 by Louis Bonaparte, then king of Holland. Daendels' administration ended the financial abuses of the former Dutch East India Company and built the main highway through Java. From 1815 he governed, on behalf of the new kingdom of The Netherlands, the Dutch possessions on the west coast of Africa.

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