Curtius, Ernst

Curtius, Ernst

German archaeologist
born Sept. 2, 1814, Free City of Lübeck
died July 11, 1896, Berlin

      German archaeologist and historian who directed the excavation of Olympia, the most opulent and sacred religious shrine of ancient Greece and site of the original Olympic Games. In addition to revealing the layout of this vast sanctuary, the excavation also unearthed the only major surviving sculpture by Praxiteles, “Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus.”

      After travels in Greece (183640), Curtius was appointed professor at the University of Berlin (1844), where he published Griechische Geschichte, 3 vol. (185767; The History of Greece, 5 vol., 186873). In 1874 he concluded an agreement with the Greek government granting the German Archaeological Institute the exclusive right to excavate the site of Olympia, thus opening the age of large-scale excavation in Greece. Under his direction nearly all of Olympia was uncovered (187581), and model techniques of excavation and stratigraphic study were developed. Discoveries included the temple of Hera, the great altar of Zeus, and the location of the Olympic stadium. Most of the superb sculptures unearthed had been damaged and fragmented, but a few were in surprisingly fine condition. He found many coins and inscriptions, which had considerable historical value. Curtius' writings include Olympia, die Ergebnisse der . . . Ausgrabung, 4 vol. (189097; “Olympia, Excavation Results”), published jointly with his assistant, Friedrich Adler.

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