Cornaro, Caterina

Cornaro, Caterina

queen of Cyprus
born 1454, Venice, Venetian republic [Italy]
died July 10, 1510, Venice

      Venetian noblewoman who became queen of Cyprus by marrying James II, king of Cyprus, Jerusalem, and Armenia, supplying him with a much-needed alliance with Venice.

      The marriage agreement was reached in 1468, but in the next four years James considered other possible alliances by way of marriage, especially with Naples. In 1472, Caterina finally departed for Cyprus, where the formal ceremony took place. James died in 1473, leaving her and her unborn child heirs to the kingdom. Unsuccessful plotters against James now conspired to deprive Caterina of the throne; and when she bore a son, James III (August 1473), Cyprus was seized by the archbishop of Nicosia and his Neapolitan allies. Imprisoned briefly, Caterina was restored by the intervention of Venice.

      The early death of Caterina's son (1474) precipitated further conspiracies, all of which were foiled by the Venetians, who gradually usurped Caterina's power and finally forced the queen to abdicate (1489). She was received with honour at Venice and given the castle and town of Asolo, which she governed beneficently. She died after having fled Asolo when her castle was occupied by imperial troops.

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