Consalvi, Ercole

Consalvi, Ercole

Italian cardinal
born June 8, 1757, Rome
died Jan. 24, 1824, Anzio, Papal States

      Italian cardinal and statesman, who played the leading role in Vatican politics during the first quarter of the 19th century; he sought a modus vivendi between the new principles of the French Revolution and the traditions of the papacy.

      Having entered the papal government service in 1783, Consalvi rose to become auditor of the Rota, a tribunal of the Curia, in 1792. Imprisoned and then exiled during the French occupation of Rome in 1798, he became secretary of the conclave that was to elect a new pope in Venice under Austrian protection (November 1799). His friend Cardinal Chiaramonti was elected pope as Pius VII (March 1800). Appointed cardinal and secretary of state by Pius, Consalvi introduced internal reforms in the papal government designed to protect the temporal authority of the pope.

      Recognizing the importance of an accord with France under Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), he went to Paris to negotiate a concordat (1801), which established a new relationship between church and state with extensive concessions by the French. In 1806 Napoleon, who considered Consalvi a dangerous enemy, forced his resignation as secretary of state. After imprisoning the Pope, Napoleon exiled Consalvi (181013). Consalvi nonetheless remained a leader of the opposition to Napoleon.

      At the Congress of Vienna (Vienna, Congress of) (181415), Consalvi, as the Vatican's representative, succeeded in the face of great difficulty in obtaining the restitution of most of the Papal States in Italy. As secretary of state again, he was wary of Austrian designs against the papal holdings. In 1816 he promoted Pius VII's motu proprio, or personal proclamation, which aimed at a general reorganization of the government of the Papal States. Inspired by a spirit of tolerance and conciliation toward those who had previously been considered enemies of the church, this act reflects Consalvi's constant desire to adapt the restored papal government to the times. Although these moderate measures displeased the radicals as well as the reactionaries, Consalvi reached a number of accords with secular governments between 1817 and 1823. When Pius VII died in 1823, the conservatives triumphed by electing Leo XII pope, a major defeat for Consalvi. He was removed from office and died shortly thereafter.

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