

duke of Swabia
also called  Conrad V , or  Conrad The Younger , German  Konradin , or  Konrad V , or  Konrad Der Jüngere 
born March 25, 1252, Wolfstein, Swabia [Germany]
died October 29, 1268, Naples [Italy]

      the last of the German Hohenstaufen dynasty, duke of Swabia, king of the Romans, and claimant to the throne of Sicily. The leading hope of the antipapal Italian Ghibellines, he led an expedition into Italy in 1267 in an unsuccessful attempt to regain Sicily from Charles of Anjou.

      Son of the emperor Conrad IV and grandson of the emperor Frederick II, Conradin claimed inheritance of the Kingdom of Sicily and the kingship of Jerusalem. His uncle Manfred, an illegitimate son of Frederick II, however, usurped the Sicilian throne in 1258. Conradin contented himself with regaining what remained of the duchy of Swabia.

      When Manfred fell in the Battle of Benevento (1266) against Charles of Anjou (Charles I), on whom his French compatriot Pope Clement IV had just bestowed the Kingdom of Sicily, the beleaguered Ghibellines invited Conradin into Italy to recapture Sicily from Charles. On entering Italy with a sizable force in September 1267, he was enthusiastically greeted by the Italians. After sweeping through the Ghibelline cities of Verona, Pavia, Pisa, and Siena, he triumphantly entered Rome in July 1268, although he had been excommunicated by the pope.

      In the belief that victory had already been won, he set out for Sicily, having in an excess of optimism divided its lands among his followers. Charles, however, unexpectedly defeated Conradin's forces at Tagliacozza on August 23. Conradin fled first to Rome, where the pro-papist Welfs, who had gained power, did not make him welcome, and then to Astura, whence he hoped to sail to Sicily. Arrested and delivered to Charles, he was tried before Charles's jury at Naples, which condemned him to death for treason to the church and to the king. He was beheaded in the public marketplace.

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