cone-headed grasshopper

cone-headed grasshopper

      any insect of the subfamily Copiphorinae within the long-horned grasshopper family Tettigoniidae (order Orthoptera). These green- or brown-coloured grasshoppers have a cone-shaped head, long antennae, and a slender body about 4 cm (1.6 inches) long. They may use their strong jaws to bite, if handled. Cone-headed grasshoppers live in weeds or high grass.

      Each species has a characteristic song; the song of one of the largest and most common cone-headed grasshoppers (Neoconocephalus ensiger) consists of one note repeated continuously. A loud North American species, N. robustus, produces a continuous buzz that is accompanied by a droning hum, probably created by wing vibrations. The song of N. retusus is a loud, shrill whir in a high key.

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