Comnenus family

Comnenus family

Byzantine emperors
Comnenus also spelled  Komnenos 

      Byzantine family from Paphlagonia, members of which occupied the throne of Constantinople for more than a century (10811185).

      Manuel Eroticus Comnenus was the first member of the family to figure in Byzantine history; an able general, he served the emperor Basil II in the East. His son, Isaac I (Isaac I Comnenus), leader of the military nobles and soldiery of Asia Minor (Anatolia), reigned as emperor from 1057 to 1059. Isaac's nephew, Emperor Alexius I (Alexius I Comnenus) (10811118), founder of the Comnenian dynasty, was succeeded by his son John II (John II Comnenus) (111843). John II was followed by Alexius I's grandson Manuel I (Manuel I Comnenus) (114380) and great-grandson Alexius II (118083). With the death of Alexius II, the elder line of the family died out. Andronicus I (Andronicus I Comnenus) (118385), son of John II's brother Isaac, succeeded Alexius II and was the last Comnenian emperor. The family continued to play an important part in state affairs, however, and was allied by marriage to other ruling families, such as the Angeli and the despots of Epirus. Following the Latin conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1204, Andronicus I's grandsons Alexius and David, with Georgian help, founded the empire of Trebizond, which lasted until 1461, when David Comnenus, its last ruler, was deposed. He was executed some time later by the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II.

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