Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Russian  Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiiskoi Federatsii 

      Russian political party that opposes many of the democratic and economic reforms introduced in Russia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

      The Communist Party of the Russian Federation was officially established in 1993, but it is considered the successor in Russia of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), which governed the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991. After Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (Gorbachev, Mikhail) introduced economic and political reforms in the mid-1980s, the highly centralized and bureaucratic CPSU began to decentralize, and in 1990 the Russian Communist Party was officially established as a republican organization of the CPSU. The Russian Communist Party advocated orthodox communism and actively opposed many of Gorbachev's reforms. After the failure of a putsch against Gorbachev in August 1991, in which hard-line communists played a key role, the Russian Communist Party and the CPSU were prohibited from operating in Russia (though various other communist groups and organizations not formally linked with either party continued their activities). In 1992 Russia's Constitutional Court permitted activity by primary (grass-roots) party organizations of the Russian Communist Party and recognized its right to establish new governing bodies. As a result, the KPRF was formally founded at arevival-unificationcongress held in February 1993. The KPRF absorbed the main components of the Russian Communist Party, as well as some reformist representatives of the CPSU's leadership who were discontented with the lack of a strong leftist party in postcommunist Russia.

      Despite the demise of the communist regime, the KPRF was among the country's strongest political forces. For example, it was a principal actor in the armed clash between President Boris Yeltsin (Yeltsin, Boris) and the first Russian parliament in October 1993, after which the KPRF's activities were temporarily suspended. In national elections in December 1993, however, the KPRF captured one-eighth of the vote and emerged as the third largest party in the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian legislature. In 1995 and 1999, capitalizing on the disenchantment of many Russians with the economic turbulence of the 1990s, the KPRF attracted the support of more than one in five Russian voters and became the largest party in the State Duma. Moreover, one of its deputies was elected the Duma's speaker. Although Yeltsin won reelection as president in 1996, Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the KPRF, finished second, garnering two-fifths of the national vote. In regional elections, the party had great success, winning numerous gubernatorial contests. Among the chief opposition forces in the country, the KPRF was notably vocal in its criticism of Yeltsin's market-reform policy, branding itantinational,” and it played a pivotal role in defeating several of his nominees as prime minister. The party also established the doctrine ofstate patriotism,” which called for socially oriented economic reforms and independence from Western influence in domestic and foreign policy. After Vladimir Putin (Putin, Vladimir) became the new Russian president in December 1999, the KPRF adopted a more loyal attitude, allying itself on some major issues with the Kremlin. In the early 21st century, support for the KPRF fell, though it continued to be the strongest opposition party in the State Duma.

Policy and structure
      Philosophically, the KPRF is a heterogeneous party, comprising many strands, including orthodox communist and social democratic (reformist). Because of the great variation in political ideologies within the party, it has lacked policy cohesion. According to its official party program, the KPRF advocates a socialist transformation of Russian society through peaceful means. Unlike orthodox communist doctrine, the KPRF recognizes political pluralism and private property, but it also emphasizes specific features of Russia's civilization that stand in stark contrast to the West (e.g., the dominant role of the state and focuses on the group over the individual and on the spiritual character of political life). The KRPF has supported the continuation of state ownership of major industries (and the renationalization of some businesses that were privatized in the postcommunist period). It also advocates subsidies to existing state-owned firms and has endorsed the maintenance of extensive social-welfare benefits.

      The political practice of the KPRF has been somewhat contradictory. On one hand, it has consistently offered a negative view of the introduction of the free market in Russia and of cooperation with the West. On the other, the KPRF leadership has gradually been integrated into the post-Soviet political elite, and the party also has created stable contacts with many businesses, advancing their interests at the federal and local level. In key votes in the Duma, the KPRF often supported the budgetary bills submitted by the president and the government.

      Many KPRF supporters view the party nostalgically, considering it the exponent of political values of thegolden era of Soviet history,” when the Soviet Union was a superpower and all of its citizens had various social guarantees. Among its core supporters are those who suffered politically and economically as a result of the changing economic order. Particularly prominent among its supporters are elderly voters, which has prompted some observers to question whether the party's success in elections will gradually diminish over the long term. To attract younger voters, the party supports various Komsomols (Komsomol) (youth organizations).

      The basic unit of the KPRF is the national party organization, but many affiliated sections in factories, universities, and agricultural enterprises that existed during the Soviet era still operate. At the lowest level, the KPRF is represented by some 20,000 district, city, and regional committees. Its supreme body is the Party Congress, which consists of several hundred members and which elects a Central Committee that runs virtually all party activity, including the actions of the KPRF faction in the State Duma. The Central Committee elects the party leader and his deputies. The presidium of the Central Committee supervises the party's daily activities. The KPRF also publishes Sovetskaya Rosiya (“Soviet Russia”), a daily newspaper, and Zavtra (“Tomorrow”), a weekly. With some 500,000 members, the KPRF is by far the largest political party in the country.

Andrey Ryabov

Additional Reading
The history and policies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are explored in Luke March, The Communist Party in Post-Soviet Russia (2002); John Löwenhardt (ed.), Party Politics in Post-Communist Russia (1998); and Joan Barth Urban and Valerii D. Solovei (V.D. Solovei), Russia's Communists at the Crossroads (1997).

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