clout shooting

clout shooting

      in archery, long-distance shooting at a circular target laid out on the ground, a form of competition practiced for centuries. The target was formerly a patch of cloth (clout).

      As practiced by the Royal Company of Archers (the British sovereign's bodyguard in Scotland, formally organized in 1676) and the Woodmen of Arden (English society of archers, founded 1785), traditional longbows are used at distances of 180 to 240 yards (165 to 219 m). The clout is a 31-inch (79-centimetre) white target with a black centre, which is inclined at an angle of about 45° in the centre of five concentric circles drawn on the grass. A hit on the clout itself scores 6 points. The first circle, 1 1/2 feet (called a foot) from the centre of the clout, scores 5; the 3-foot circle (half-bow) scores 4; the 6-foot (bow), 3; the 9-foot (bow and half), 2; and the 12-foot (two bows), 1. Another method of scoring is by ends (2 arrows each); the arrow nearest the centre wins the end.

      Elsewhere the clout-shooting target is 48 feet (15 m) in diameter, also drawn on the ground in five concentric circular zones, with a small target or flag in the centre as an aiming mark. The usual distance for men is 180 yards (165 m) and for women 140 yards (128 m). Scoring is as in standard target archery9, 7, 5, 3, and 1 point, respectively, for hits from the centre outward.

      In another variety, called battle clout, a larger, more distant target and hunting arrows are often used.

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