Claparède, Édouard

Claparède, Édouard

▪ Swiss educator and psychologist
born March 24, 1873, Geneva
died Sept. 29, 1940, Geneva

      psychologist who conducted exploratory research in the fields of child psychology, educational psychology, concept formation, problem solving, and sleep. One of the most influential European exponents of the functionalist school of psychology, he is particularly remembered for his formulation of the law of momentary interest, a fundamental tenet of psychology stating that thinking (thought) is a biological activity in service to the human organism.

      After completing his medical studies (1897), Claparède spent a year in research in Paris, where he met Alfred Binet, a major developer of intelligence testing. After returning to Geneva, he joined the laboratory of his psychologist cousin, Theodore Flournoy, and began lecturing at the University of Geneva. About this time he became interested in comparative, that is, animal psychology.

      In 1905 Claparède advanced a biological theory of sleep that anticipated the views of Sigmund Freud. He considered sleep to be a defensive reaction to halt activity of the organism and thereby prevent exhaustion. His research on sleep led him to the study of hysteria (conversion disorder) and the conclusion that hysterical symptoms may also be regarded as defensive reactions. After the appearance of his influential book Experimental Pedagogy and the Psychology of the Child (1905; Eng. trans., 1911), he began to conduct a seminar in educational psychology (1906). Advancing to professor of psychology (1908), he established the Institut J.J. Rousseau for the advancement of child psychology and its application to education (1912).

      His work on the development of thinking in children was continued by Jean Piaget.

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