church sonata

church sonata

      a type of sonata (trio sonata) originally thought appropriate for church. See sonata da chiesa.

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  • Church Sonata No. 1 (Mozart) — The Church Sonata No. 1 in E flat major, K. 67 (41h), is a sonata in one movement by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Alfred Einstein dated this work from 1767, but later investigations, particularly by Hans Dennerlein, conclude that it is highly… …   Wikipedia

  • Church Sonata No. 2 (Mozart) — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s Church Sonata No. 2 in B flat major, K 68 (41i) (1772) is a sonata in one movement. It was composed when Mozart was 16 years old. The work is scored for two violins, organ, cello and double bass. External links Sonate in …   Wikipedia

  • Church Sonata —    An instrumental composition in several movements or sections, dating from the 17th or early 18th century, that might be used to substitute for organ versets in a Roman Catholic mass. The traditional term sonata da chiesa appears only… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

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  • Sonata da chiesa — (Italian: Church sonata) is an instrumental composition dating from the Baroque period, generally consisting of four movements. More than one melody was often used, and the movements were ordered slow–fast–slow–fast with respect to tempo. The… …   Wikipedia

  • sonata — /seuh nah teuh/, n. Music. a composition for one or two instruments, typically in three or four movements in contrasted forms and keys. [1685 95; < It < L sonata, fem. of sonatus (ptp. of sonare to SOUND1). See SONANT, ATE1] * * * I Musical form… …   Universalium

  • sonata da chiesa — /seuh nah teuh deuh kee ay zeuh/; It. /saw nah tah dah kye zah/ an instrumental musical form, common in the Baroque period, that usually consists of four movements alternating between slow and fast. [1795 1805; < It: lit., sonata of the church] * …   Universalium

  • Sonata de iglesia n.º 1 (Mozart) — La Sonata de iglesia n.º 1 en mi bemol mayor, K. 67/41h, es una sonata de iglesia en un único movimiento, escrita por Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Alfred Einstein dató esta obra en 1767, pero investigaciones posteriores, particularmente las… …   Wikipedia Español

  • sonata —   n. instrumental composition in three or more movements.    ♦ sonata da camera, chamber sonata.    ♦ sonata da chiesa, church sonata.    ♦ sonatina, n. short sonata …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • sonata da chiesa — däkēˈāzə noun Etymology: Italian, literally, church sonata : a 17th and 18th century instrumental composition for two or more instruments with continuo usually in four movements of which one or more are in fugato style * * * /seuh nah teuh deuh… …   Useful english dictionary

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