Choromański, Michał

Choromański, Michał

Polish author
born June 22, 1904, Yelizavetgrad, Ukraine, Russian Empire [now Kirovograd, Ukraine]
died May 24, 1972, Warsaw, Poland

      Polish novelist and playwright best known for his novelistic studies of psychological states.

      Born into a Polish family in Russia, Choromański went to Poland in 1924 and began translating Polish poetry into Russian, publishing in Russian émigré periodicals. His novel Zazdrość i medycyna (1933; Jealousy and Medicine), a clinical study of the relationship between medicine and sex, was an instant success. At the outbreak of World War II he fled Poland and lived in South America and Canada, respectively, before returning to Poland in 1957. His later fiction includes Schodami w górę, schodami w dół (1967; “Upstairs, Downstairs”), W rzecz wstąpić (1968; “To Get to the Heart of the Matter”), and Słowacki wysp tropikalnych (1969; “Słowacki of the Tropical Island”), all distinguished by an ironic treatment of society, sarcastic humour generally, and a variety of narrative forms. Initially a favourite with sophisticated readers, Choromański eventually became popular with the general reading public.

Jerzy R. Krzyzanowski

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Universalium. 2010.

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