

 town, Indre-et-Loire département, Centre région, western France, on the banks of the Vienne River, south-southwest of Tours. It is famous for its medieval streets and a ruined château, where the first meeting between St. Joan of Arc and King Charles VII of France took place in 1429. A statue of the 16th-century French writer François Rabelais, who was born in the vicinity in about 1494 and passed his childhood in the town, stands on the river embankment. The château, standing on a rocky height dominating the town, consists of three separate strongholds. To the east, the Fort- (or Château de) Saint-Georges, built by Henry II of England, has almost disappeared. The Château du Milieu (11th15th centuries), which contains a museum of St. Joan of Arc, is separated by moats from Fort-Saint-Georges to the east and from the Château du Coudray to the west. The chief remains of the Château du Coudray are the Tour du Moulin (12th century) and two later towers. There are fine views from the château of the old town of Chinon and of the Vienne Valley. A good local wine is also produced. The town is a small administrative, commercial, and tourist centre. It lies amid an area of viticulture noted for its redChinonwines. Pop. (1999) 8,716; (2005 est.) 8,169.

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