Chauliac, Guy de

Chauliac, Guy de

French physician
Italian  Guido de Cauliaco  
born c. 1300, Chauliac, Auvergne, France
died July 25, 1368, Avignon

      the most eminent surgeon of the European Middle Ages, whose Chirurgia magna (1363) was a standard work on surgery until at least the 17th century. In this work he describes a narcotic inhalation used as a soporific for surgical patients, as well as numerous surgical procedures, including those for hernia and cataract, which had previously been treated mainly by charlatans. On the other hand, the work tended to retard progress in surgery by advocating meddlesome treatment of wounds.

      He took holy orders and studied at Toulouse, Montpellier, Paris, and Bologna. The greater part of his life was spent at Avignon, where he was physician to Pope Clement VI and two of his successors. He was among the first to describe two different types of plague, pneumonic and bubonic, both of which had occurred in outbreaks in Avignon.

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Universalium. 2010.

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