chant royal

chant royal

French poetry
      fixed form of verse developed by French poets of the 13th to the 15th century. Its standard form consisted in the 14th century of five stanzas of from 8 to 16 lines of equal measure, without refrain, but with an identical rhyme pattern in each stanza and an envoi using rhymes from the stanzas. In the 15th century the chant royal acquired a refrain, and the envoi was normally about half the length of the stanza, which had usually from 10 to 12 lines, the number being dictated by the number of syllables in the refrain.

      Like the ballade, the chant royal admitted of variations. As the serventois, for example, a poem in honour of the Virgin Mary, it early acquired, then lost, the refrain; similar varieties were the amoureuse (“love poem”), the sotte amoureuse (“playful love poem”), and the sotte chanson (“comic poem”).

      Clément Marot (Marot, Clément) in the 16th century was a master of this form, and his Chant royal chrétien, with its refrainSanté au corps et Paradis à l'âme” (“Health to the body and Paradise to the soul”), was famous. The 17th-century fabulist Jean de La Fontaine (La Fontaine, Jean de) was the last exponent of the chant royal before its eclipse. Revived in the 19th century, it essentially belonged to a time when its subject could be the exploits of a royal hero or the processional splendours of religion.

      Known only in French literature during its development, the chant royal was introduced into England by Sir Edmund Gosse (Gosse, Sir Edmund) in his poemThe Praise of Dionysus” (1877). Since then, it has been adapted by a number of English-language poets, but its solemn or religious tone is a thing of the past. It is now largely used for vers de société (urbane, ironic poetry).

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