Chambre des Enquêtes

Chambre des Enquêtes

French court
      (French: Chamber of Inquiries), in France under the ancien régime, a chamber of the Parlement, or supreme court, of Paris that was responsible for conducting investigations ordered by the Grand Chambre of the Parlement. The Chambre des Enquêtes grew out of sessions or enquiries that were conducted at the place of the crime or suit.

      Instead of adopting the jury system to replace the ordeal or duel as a means of determining guilt or innocence, the French in the 13th century took over the basic structure of the canon-law inquest, in which court officials secretly questioned witnesses. Auditors were sent out into the country from the court to conduct investigations; often they were aided by the bailli (bailiff) of the district. As Parlement became the court of appeal, the investigators had to report on the proceedings from other jurisdictions. The results of these investigations were turned over to the rapporteur, who analyzed them and made recommendations to the rest of the court. To handle the growing number of auditors and investigations, the Chambre des Enquêtes was organized in the early 14th century as a separate chamber within Parlement.

      The Chambre des Enquêtes was not initially an independent body, however; it was empowered to act only on issues that were referred to it by the Grand Chambre. After the Chambre des Enquêtes made its decision, the judgment was sent back to the Grand Chambre, where it could be corrected or annulled before final pronouncement by the Grand Chambre itself. In the 16th century the Grand Chambre had acquired so much work that it began to send to the Chambre des Enquêtes matters that it was unable, because of time, to consider. Since the Grand Chambre did not have time to review the decisions of the Chambre des Enquêtes, the latter began to issue its own decisions. In the 15th century the press of business had already brought about the creation of a second chamber; in the 16th century a third was added. The number was later raised to five, only to be reduced to three in the mid-18th century. The Chambre des Enquêtes disappeared with the rest of Parlement during the French Revolution.

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Universalium. 2010.

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