Chambre des Comptes

Chambre des Comptes

French court
      (French: Chamber of Accounts), in France under the ancien régime, sovereign court charged with dealing with numerous aspects of the financial administration of the country. Originally part of the king's court (Parlement), it was established in 1320 as a separate, independent chamber. Structurally, the court was modelled after the Parlement, with a premier president and numerous other presidents, counsellors, auditors, and procureurs (prosecutors). Initially held by appointment, offices in the Chambre des Comptes had by the 16th century become both hereditary and venal.

      The Chambre des Comptes was more than simply a financial court; it had various administrative and legislative duties concerned with the king's accounts and the royal domain (the crown lands). One of its primary responsibilities was to conduct the annual audit of the king's financial agents throughout the country, particularly the bailiffs. If an agent's accounts did not balance, he was subject to dismissal and suit for the return of the missing funds. Initially, the Chambre des Comptes had control over all the finances in the realm. The Chambre was also responsible for much financial policy until the late 15th century, when the Cour des Aides and the central treasury began to take over some of the Chambre's functions, particularly taxation.

      The Chambre des Comptes also directed much of the administration of the royal domain (the crown lands). It received and registered letters of appanage, land given to the royal children enabling them to have incomes suitable to their positions. The Chambre also was empowered to register, or refuse to register, alienations of domainal land and to reunite to the domain land that had been alienated from it.

      As a court, the Chambre des Comptes handled all litigation on the king's accounts. In these matters, the Chambre des Comptes was the court of final appeal, and only the king could overturn its decisions. The court's status in financial areas brought it into conflict with the Parlement as early as the 14th century. In the 17th century the Grand Counsel was given the right to overturn decisions of the Chambre des Comptes. In 1807 the Chambre des Comptes was replaced by the Cour des Comptes, which continues as the court of accounts in modern France.

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Universalium. 2010.

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