

also called  Cayapa 

      Indians of the coastal lowlands of western Ecuador, one of the few aboriginal groups left in the region. The Chachi speak a Chibchan language somewhat related to the language of the neighbouring Tsáchila people. Like the Tsáchila, the Chachi believe themselves to be descended from peoples of the Andean highlands. The Chachi probably number about 3,000 to 5,000.

      Agriculture, fishing, and hunting are the chief sources of food for the Chachi. Plantains, cassava (manioc), sugarcane, yams, and peppers are grown; some domestic animals are raised, but they are not a major food source. Fish and shellfish are abundant, and many species of jungle animals are hunted. A typical settlement consists of single-family households spread through the tropical forest along a river or stream. The traditional house has a thatched roof supported by posts; it is usually unenclosed but is sometimes divided into two sections. Women wear ankle-length wraparound skirts, men a pair of short, tight pants and a thin calico shirt. Weaving, pottery, and woodworking are the chief crafts. The religion of the Chachi is a mixture of Roman Catholicism and aboriginal pagan beliefs. Their political system consists of hereditary chiefs and subordinate officials.

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