Central Committee

Central Committee

Soviet political body
      in the history of the Soviet Union, the highest organ of the Communist Party between party congresses, though in practice this status was held by the Politburo from the 1920s on. The Communist parties of other countries were also governed by central committees.

      The first Central Committee was founded by Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik faction in 1912 when it broke off from the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party. The committee determined broad policy objectives for the Bolsheviks, and in October 1917 it established a Politburo of five of its members to lead the Russian Revolution. The size of the Central Committee made it an unwieldy body for quick decision-making, however, and it almost immediately began to lose power to the Politburo, the newly created Secretariat, and other party organs. Party secretary Joseph Stalin (Stalin, Joseph) expanded the committee's membership in the 1920s with his own supporters, but the Central Committee continued to function as a quasi-parliamentary body, with free debate and factions, until the mid-1930s, when Stalin had most of its membership executed in order to establish his complete personal control over the party. Thereafter the Central Committee's role was greatly diminished, though in the period of collective leadership following Stalin's death (1953), rival party leaders again had to win control of factions among its membership, which proved decisive in the leadership crises of 1957 and 1964.

      The Central Committee's membership was elected by the party congress, but this merely involved assenting to a slate of candidates presented by the Politburo. The committee grew over the years from 25 members in 1921 to 307 in 1986, and it convened twice a year for a day or two. Central Committee membership ordinarily went to the holders of the most important positions in the Soviet government and economy, thereby enabling the committee to serve as the party's chief tool within the government. The Politburo, Secretariat, and other party organs issued their official decrees in the Central Committee's name until the Soviet Union's demise in 1991. The central committees of eastern European countries were similar in form and function to the Soviet model, as is that of China.

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