

Araucanian chief
also spelled  Quepolicán  
born 16th century, Palmaiquén, Chile
died 1558, Cañete

      Mapuche chief and a leader of the Indian resistance to the Spanish invaders of Chile.

      With the assistance of Lautaro, another Mapuche, Caupolicán and his men captured the Spaniards' leader, Pedro de Valdivia (Valdivia, Pedro de), after a battle at Tucapel in December 1553. Reportedly, Caupolicán attempted but failed to save Valdivia from torture and execution (January 1554). In April 1557 Lautaro was defeated and executed by an army led by Francisco de Villagrán at Mataquito, leaving Caupolicán in sole command of the Indian resistance. After an initial victory against Villagrán, Caupolicán suffered three disastrous routs at the hands of forces led by Don García Hurtado de Mendoza, losing more than 6,000 men in one of the defeats. Caupolicán retreated to the mountains near Cañete, where he was finally captured by Capt. Alonso de Reinoso and executed in 1558. Although Caupolicán was a man of great skill and valour, his fame rests primarily on the verses dedicated to him by the poet Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga (Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de) in his long poem La Araucana. The poet was with the army of Hurtado de Mendoza and apparently witnessed firsthand the deeds of the Mapuche chief.

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