

      region of Senegal that lies south of The Gambia along the Casamance River. The region has ample rainfall, abundant in the south, and the lower course of the Casamance River is covered by dense vegetation; mangroves, oil palms, and raffia palms predominate. Rice, cotton, and corn (maize) are cultivated.

      Much of the area that is now Casamance was once the kingdom of Kasa. Kasa's king, or mansa, was a leading trader with the Portuguese, and Casamance takes its name from the Portuguese adaptation of Kasa mansa (king of Kasa). The region was subsequently inhabited by migrants from the Mali empire, the Diola (Jola), the Fulani (Fulbe), the Malinke, and other groups. Casamance was the last part of what is now Senegal to be conquered (beginning in 1903) by Europeans, and small pockets of resistance were active until after World War I. Isolated from the larger northern portion of the country, Casamance retained a distinct identity; many of its inhabitants, for example, retained traditional beliefs while the northern Senegalese adopted Islam. A separatist group, the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC), emerged in the early 1980s, organized by the Diola. Demonstrations by the MFDC led to a number of arrests, and in 1990 the group attacked several administrative locations in the region. The Senegalese army was sent to Casamance, and fighting persisted until a cease-fire was signed in 1993. Two years later, however, southern rebels split with the MFDC and renewed the violence. By the late 1990s thousands of civilians had been killed and more than 20,000 had fled the region. Several subsequent cease-fire attempts failed, and fighting continued into the early 21st century. The leader of the main rebel forces declared the war over in 2003, and a peace agreement was signed in 2004, but some rebel factions continued to fight.

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Universalium. 2010.

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