Carrera, Rafael

Carrera, Rafael

ruler of Guatemala
born Oct. 24, 1814, Guatemala City
died April 4, 1865, Guatemala City

      dictator of Guatemala (184448 and 185165) and one of the most powerful figures of 19th-century Central America.

      Carrera, a mestizo (of mixed European and Indian ancestry), had no formal education. He fought in the civil war in Central America in the 1820s and rose rapidly in the ranks. He adopted strong conservative beliefs as a soldier. With the support of the Indian peasantry, who revered him, and the lower clergy, who despised the anticlerical liberal government, he captured Guatemala City in 1838 and took power, which he exercised completely and ruthlessly until his death.

      Carreradeeply religious, a strong nationalist, and a committed conservativeconsolidated his rule in 1840 when he became dictator and took Guatemala out of the United Provinces of Central America, proclaiming it an independent republic. Recalling the Jesuits, he reestablished the Roman Catholic Church in 1852. In 1854 he abolished elections and became president for life. Under Carrera adventurers from Nicaragua led by William Walker were repulsed, two attempts by Mexico to annex Guatemala were thwarted, and the territorial expansion of British Honduras was limited. He intruded frequently into the affairs of neighbouring nations in behalf of their conservative forces.

      Although Carrera was crude and brutal, the clergy and upper classes appreciated his regime for its stability, respect for property, and support of the church. The country gained some economic progress as it became an important exporter of coffee under his rule. Guatemala also attained a measure of ethnic equality under Carrera's leadership, which included appointing Indians and mestizos to political and military positions.

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