Carazo Odio, Rodrigo

Carazo Odio, Rodrigo

president of Costa Rica
born Dec. 27, 1926, Cartago, C.Rica

      president of Costa Rica (197882).

      A graduate in economics from the University of Costa Rica, Carazo entered politics as a member of the National Liberation Party (Partido de Liberación Nacional; PLN) and as a follower of then president, José Figueres Ferrer (Figueres Ferrer, José). He later distanced himself from Figueres and won the presidency as the candidate of the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC). Serving as president from 1978 to 1982, he faced both domestic and foreign crises. Inflationary problems resulting from the worldwide oil shortage of that time limited Costa Rica's prosperity. Also, despite a commitment to neutrality in the Sandinista revolution in neighbouring Nicaragua, Costa Rica was gradually drawn into the conflict in support of the Sandinistas. As relations deteriorated between Costa Rica and Nicaragua after the Sandinista victory in 1979, Carazo's popularity declined. During his term, Carazo helped create the University for Peace and took significant steps to preserve environmental resources.

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Universalium. 2010.

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