

king of Trinovantes
also spelled  Caractacus , Celtic  Caradoc 
flourished 1st century AD

      king of the British tribe of Trinovantes, and the son of Cunobelinus (q.v.).

      Caratacus' kingdom, embracing the Atrebates of Hampshire and probably the Dobunni of Gloucestershire, lay in the west. At the time of the Roman invasion of Britain during the reign of Claudius, he led the native resistance against Aulus Plautius (AD 4347) and, after being defeated, withdrew into south Wales. He was finally defeated by Ostorius Scapula in AD 50, somewhere on the Welsh marches, in the territory of the Ordovices. He himself fled to the Brigantes, whose queen, Cartimandua, delivered him to the Romans. He and his family were featured in a victory parade of Claudius, who granted them pardon and life.

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