Capuana, Luigi

Capuana, Luigi

Italian writer
born May 28, 1839, Mineo, Sicily [Italy]
died Nov. 29, 1915, Catania

      Italian critic and writer who was one of the earliest Italian advocates of realism. Capuana influenced many writers, including the novelist Giovanni Verga (Verga, Giovanni) and the playwright Luigi Pirandello (Pirandello, Luigi), who were his friends.

      Born of a wealthy Sicilian family, Capuana studied law for two years at the University of Catania. Thereafter, he lived in Florence, was a drama critic for La Nazione, and familiarized himself with the writings of Honoré de Balzac, Émile Zola, and other French naturalists. Following a seven-year stay in Mineo, he went to Milan, writing again for a newspaper.

      Generally speaking, Capuana embraced the literary movement called verismo and exhibited in both his criticism and his fiction a distinct preference for naturalism and objectivity and an avoidance of symbolism. In 1877 the first of his 15 volumes of short stories appeared and in 1879 the first of his six novels, Giacinta, a psychological study of a wronged woman. Another important novel, Il marchese di Roccaverdina (1901; “The Marquis of Roccaverdina”), is an excellent study of guilt. Though he wrote much additional fictionincluding stories for childrenhe is probably best known for Giacinta and Il marchese di Roccaverdina and for his critical studies. His best critical works are Studi sulla letteratura contemporanea (1880, 1882), essays on Balzac, the Goncourts, Zola, and Verga; and Gliismicontemporanei (1898; “ContemporaryIsms' ”). Capuana taught for a time in Rome and at the University of Catania.

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  • Capuana, Luigi — (Mineo, Catania 1839 Catania 1915) scrittore; drammaturgo in lingua e in dialetto; critico letterario e teatrale, giornalista. collab./opere: “La Nuova Antologia” …   Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano

  • Luigi Capuana — (May 28, 1839 November 29, 1915) was an Italian author and journalist and one of the most important members of the Verist movement. He was a contemporary of Giovanni Verga, both having been born in the province of Catania within a year of each… …   Wikipedia

  • Capuana — Luigi Capuana. Luigi Capuana (* 28. März 1839 in Mineo; † 29. November 1915 in Catania) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller aus Sizilien. Er zählt zu den Hauptvertretern der italienischen Literaturströmung des Verismus. Capuana wurde als Sohn… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Luigi Capuana — Luigi Capuana, né le 28 mai 1839 à Mineo, dans la province de Catane en Sicile et mort le 29 novembre 1915 à Catane, est un écrivain italien. Biographie Théoricien du vérisme, Luigi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CAPUANA (L.) — CAPUANA LUIGI (1839 1915) Sicilien, mais critique à Florence, journaliste à Milan, professeur à Rome et à Catane, maire de son Mineo natal, Capuana publie inlassablement, à partir de 1872, une quarantaine d’œuvres, nouvelles, romans, poèmes,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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