Caprivi, Leo, Graf von

Caprivi, Leo, Graf von

German chancellor
born February 24, 1831, Berlin-Charlottenburg
died February 6, 1899, near Crossen-an-der-Oder, Germany [now Krosno, Poland]
 distinguished soldier who was Bismarck's successor as Germany's imperial chancellor during 189094.

      Caprivi was educated in Berlin and entered the army in 1849; he took part in the Austrian campaign of 1866, being attached to the staff of the I Army. In 187071, in the Franco-German War, he was chief of staff to the X Army Corps (part of the II Army) and took part in battles before Metz as well as in those around Orléans. In 1883 he was made chief of the admiralty, in which post he commanded the fleet and represented the department in the Reichstag. He resigned in 1888 and was appointed commander of the X Army Corps. Bismarck had already referred to Caprivi as a possible successor, for Caprivi had shown great administrative ability and was unconnected with any political party, and in March 1890 he was appointed chancellor, Prussian minister president, and foreign minister.

      Caprivi's first achievement as chancellor was the conclusion in July 1890 of a general agreement with Great Britain regarding the spheres of influence of the two countries in Africa. But the abandonment of an aggressive policy in East Africa and Nigeria and the withdrawal of German claims to Zanzibar (in exchange for Heligoland) aroused the hostility of the colonial parties, who bitterly attacked the new chancellor. The Anglo-German agreement of 1890 was followed by commercial treaties with Austria, Romania, and other states; by concluding them he earned the express commendation of the emperor William II and the title of count, but he was from this time relentlessly attacked by the Agrarians, and he had to depend greatly on the support of the Liberals and other parties that had been formerly in opposition. The reorganization of the army caused a parliamentary crisis, but Caprivi carried it through successfully, only, however, to earn the enmity of the more old-fashioned soldiers, who would not forgive him for shortening the period of service. His position was seriously compromised in 1892 when an education bill that he had defended by saying that the question at issue was Christianity or atheism failed to carry, and he resigned the presidency of Prussian ministry, which was then given to Count Eulenburg. In 1894 a difference arose between Eulenburg and Caprivi concerning the bill for an amendment of the criminal code (the Umsturz Vorlage), and in October the emperor dismissed both. The last years of his life were spent in absolute retirement.

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