canine parvovirus disease
- canine parvovirus disease
acute viral infection in dogs characterized by a severe enteritis that is associated with bloody diarrhea,
and dehydration.
It was first recognized in 1978 and now is distributed worldwide.
The causative virus has become more virulent with time and can survive in the environment for long periods.
The disease is spread either by direct contact with infected dogs or by exposure to the virus in feces from infected dogs.
Young dogs are especially susceptible.
No specific treatment is available,
but infected dogs can recover if provided good supportive care,
including fluid therapy to offset dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
Vaccinations between 6 and 12 weeks of age and annually thereafter are very effective in preventing infection.
Emerging evidence suggests that canine parvovirus may induce disease in cat (
cat, domestic)
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