calabash tree

calabash tree

      (Crescentia cujete), tree of the family Bignoniaceae, 6 to 12 metres (20 to 40 feet) tall, that grows in Central and South America, the West Indies, and extreme southern Florida. It is often grown as an ornamental. The calabash tree produces large spherical fruits, up to 50 cm (20 inches) in diameter, the hard shells of which are useful as bowls, cups, and other water containers when hollowed out. The fruit's shell encloses a whitish pulp and thin, dark brown seeds. The calabash tree's flowers have five petals fused in a funnel shape; they are light green and purple-streaked in colour. The tree may flower and fruit at any time of the year. The branches of the calabash are long and spread outward horizontally with almost no secondary branching. The evergreen leaves are about 515 cm long, are lance-shaped, and taper at the base. Fruits of the unrelated bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria, family Cucurbitaceae) are also known as calabashes.

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  • Calabash tree — Calabash Cal a*bash (k[a^]l [.a]*b[a^]sh), n. [Sp. calabaza, or Pg. calaba[,c]a, caba[,c]a (cf. F. Calebasse), lit., a dry gourd, fr. Ar. qar , fem., a kind of gourd + aibas dry.] 1. The common gourd (plant or fruit). [1913 Webster] 2. The fruit… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • calabash-tree — puodyninė krescencija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Bignonijinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, maistinis, vaisinis, vaistinis augalas (Crescentia cujete), paplitęs Centrinėje ir Pietų Amerikoje. Naudojamas puošybai. atitikmenys: lot. Crescentia… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • calabash tree — noun tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds • Syn: ↑calabash, ↑Crescentia cujete • Hypernyms: ↑tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Crescentia, ↑genus Crescentia …   Useful english dictionary

  • African calabash tree — Calabash Cal a*bash (k[a^]l [.a]*b[a^]sh), n. [Sp. calabaza, or Pg. calaba[,c]a, caba[,c]a (cf. F. Calebasse), lit., a dry gourd, fr. Ar. qar , fem., a kind of gourd + aibas dry.] 1. The common gourd (plant or fruit). [1913 Webster] 2. The fruit… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Calabash tree — Crescentia (E) …   EthnoBotanical Dictionary

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  • Calabash (disambiguation) — Calabash may refer to: * Calabash, the vine Lagenaria siceraria * Calabash pipe, a style of smoking pipe made from the gourd of the calabash vine which consists of a downward curve that ends with an upcurve where the tobacco is held * The… …   Wikipedia

  • Calabash — Cal a*bash (k[a^]l [.a]*b[a^]sh), n. [Sp. calabaza, or Pg. calaba[,c]a, caba[,c]a (cf. F. Calebasse), lit., a dry gourd, fr. Ar. qar , fem., a kind of gourd + aibas dry.] 1. The common gourd (plant or fruit). [1913 Webster] 2. The fruit of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Calabash — This article is about the vine. For the tree, see Crescentia and Crescentia cujete. For other uses, see Calabash (disambiguation). Not to be confused with calabaza. Calabash Lagenaria siceraria Green calabash on the vin …   Wikipedia

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