

Catholic theologian
Latin  Cajetanus,  Italian  Gaetano,  Dominican name  Tommaso De Vio  
born Feb. 20, 1468/69?, Gaeta, Naples
died Aug. 10, 1534?, Rome

      one of the major Catholic theologians of the Thomist school.

      Entering the Dominican order in 1484, Cajetan studied at Bologna and Padua, where he became professor of metaphysics (1494) and where he encountered Scotism (the doctrine of John Duns Scotus, which rivalled Thomism, the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and his followers), which he relentlessly criticized. He taught theology at Rome (150108), where he began his great commentary on the Summa theologiae (or, more commonly, theologica) of St. Thomas Aquinas.

      Cajetan was an ardent upholder of the Dominican ideal, especially with regard to poverty and the study of theology. As Dominican master general (150818), he investigated the cult of Girolamo Savonarola, which threatened to divide the order. From 1511 to 1517 he defended papal authority against the schismatic Council of Pisa (1511), and at the fifth Council of the Lateran (151217) he urged church reform. Pope Leo X made him a cardinal in 1517.

      As the papal legate in Germany, Cajetan was authorized to examine Martin Luther, and they met at Augsburg in 1518. Although Cajetan at first dealt kindly with him, they could not agree on doctrinal matters. Recalled to Rome and made bishop of Gaeta (1519), he helped to draft the bull Exsurge Domine, condemning Luther (1520). In 1522 he was influential in the election of the reforming pope Adrian VI, to whom he dedicated his commentary on the third part of the Summa. In 152324 he was papal legate in Hungary, Poland, and Bohemia. Recalled by Pope Clement VII, he retired to Gaeta in 1527. His commentary on the Psalms (1527) was followed by others on the New and Old Testaments.

      Cajetan's fame rests chiefly on his difficult but profound commentary on the Summa. Although much of this work is essentially a reply to the criticism of Duns Scotus and others, it is a rigorously analytical examination of the basic principles of natural and Christian theology. He also wrote commentaries on Aristotle and many lesser works.

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