

 city, northern Peru, lying at 9,022 feet (2,750 metres) above sea level on the Cajamarca River. An ancient Inca city, it was the site of the capture, ransom, and execution of the Inca chief Atahuallpa by the conquistador Francisco Pizarro (Pizarro, Francisco) in 1532. The settlement languished until 1802, when it was raised to the status of a city because of its proximity to newly discovered silver mines at Hualgayoc. Cajamarca has several colonial buildings (including a cathedral and the San Francisco Belén church), and it is the site of a National Technical University (1962). Nearby are thermal springs. The chief trade centre in the northern Andes, Cajamarca is linked by air to Chiclayo and Trujillo on the coast and by road to both the coast and the Amazon River basin. Its economy is based on mining (copper and gold), agriculture, and manufacturing (cloth, leather, and straw hats); tourism is also important. Pop. (2005) 118,817.

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