Buysse, Cyriel

Buysse, Cyriel

Belgian writer
born Sept. 21, 1859, Nevele, near Ghent, Belg.
died July 25, 1932, Afsnee

      Belgian novelist and playwright, one of the outstanding exponents of Flemish naturalism.

      Although Buysse, like the sons of most wealthy Flemings, received a French education, he early devoted himself to writing primarily in Flemish. In 1893 he cofounded and coedited Van nu en straks (18931901; “Of Now and Later”), an innovative and influential literary magazine. He resigned as an editor a year later. During this time he began to communicate with several Dutch writers, Louis Couperus (Couperus, Louis Marie Anne) among them, and as a result of that connection most of Buysse's work was published first in The Netherlands rather than in his native Flanders.

      Buysse's first major novel, Het recht van den sterkste (1893; “The Right of the Strongest”), demonstrates his abilities as a realist in the tradition of Émile Zola (Zola, Émile), Camille Lemonnier (Lemonnier, Camille), and Guy de Maupassant (Maupassant, Guy de). His novel paints a grim picture of the life of the Flemish peasantry and reflects more generally on man's inhumanity to man. In such subsequent works as Het leven van Rozeke van Dalen (1906; “The Life of Rozeke van Dalen”), he shunned the raw sentimentality of his early writings. His novel Het ezelken (1910; “The Little Donkey”) contains a satirical anti-Catholic vein, which alienated him from his predominantly Roman Catholic Flemish readership.

      In addition to novels, Buysse wrote a number of plays. In someHet gezin Van Paemel (1903; “The Van Paemel Family”), for examplehe again took up the cause of the oppressed peasantry. His later novels, including Tantes (1924; “Aunts”) and De schandpaal (1928; “The Pillory”), exhibit a controlled, detached style that enhances his gift for the probing psychological portrait.

      Roman Catholic disapproval of Buysse's work remained strong throughout his life; his reputation has grown, however, since the 1950s. His collected works (Verzameld werk), edited by A. Van Elslander and A.M. Musschoot, were published in seven volumes issued between 1974 and 1982. Mededelingen, the bulletin of the Cyriel Buysse Society, has been published annually since 1985.

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  • Cyriel Buysse — Born Cyrillus Gustave Emile Buysse 20 September 1859(1859 09 20) Nevele, Belgium …   Wikipedia

  • buysse — (Cyriel) (1859 1932) écrivain belge naturaliste d expression néerlandaise. Romans: le Droit du plus fort (1893), Un lion des Flandres (1900). Théâtre: la Famille Van Paemel (1903). buyse [bɥiz] ou buysse [bɥis] n. f. ÉTYM. 1866; du scandinave… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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