Bueno, Maria Ester Audion

Bueno, Maria Ester Audion

Brazilian tennis player
born c. 1939, , São Paulo, Braz.
 amateur tennis player who won 17 Wimbledon and United States (Forest Hills, N.Y., and Brookline, Mass.) championships from 1958 through 1968.

      Bueno began playing tennis at about the age of six and won her first tournament at São Paulo at the age of 12 and the women's tennis championship of Brazil at 15. In 1958 she won the women's doubles championship, with Althea Gibson, at Wimbledon, and in 1959 she won the singles championships at Wimbledon and Forest Hills. In 1960 she repeated her Wimbledon singles victory and teamed with Darlene Hard to win the Wimbledon and U.S. doubles titles. After a serious illness she returned to competition in 1962, winning the U.S. doubles championship with Hard. In 1963 she won the U.S. singles title and shared Wimbledon doubles honours, again with Hard. She swept the Wimbledon and Forest Hills singles events in 1964, and in 1965 she won the Wimbledon doubles with Billie Jean Moffitt (afterward Billie Jean King). In 1966 she won her fourth U.S. singles title and, with Nancy Richey (afterward Nancy Richey Gunter), captured the doubles championships at Wimbledon and Forest Hills. In 1968 she joined Margaret Smith Court to win the women's doubles title in the first open tournament (both amateurs and professionals eligible) at Forest Hills. Bueno and Court also won doubles honours in the 1968 U.S. amateur tournament, held at Brookline. After a long retirement because of injuries, she joined the professional tour in 1975 and played at Wimbledon in 1976 and 1977. Bueno was particularly graceful as an amateur, with a good range of shots.

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