Buch, Leopold, Freiherr von

Buch, Leopold, Freiherr von

▪ German geologist
born April 26, 1774, Angermünde, Prussia
died March 4, 1853, Berlin

      geologist and geographer whose far-flung wanderings and lucid writings had an inestimable influence on the development of geology during the 19th century.

      From 1790 to 1793 Buch studied at the Freiberg School of Mining under the noted German geologist Abraham G. Werner. In 1796 he secured a position as an inspector of mines, but, because he was from a wealthy family, he soon was able to resign and devote himself to geological studies. His investigations of the Alps began in 1797. The following year he went to Italy, where his observations of the volcano Vesuvius first brought to his attention possible flaws in Werner's Neptunism, the theory that all rocks are formed by sedimentation (settling out at the bottom of the sea). His visit to the Auvergne Mountains in 1802 furthered his gradual conversion to volcanism, the theory that granite and many other rocks are formed by volcanic action. His studies vastly extended knowledge of volcanoes, and his search for combustible material, such as coal, which Werner insisted was necessary for volcanic action, proved fruitless. The final blow was delivered to Werner's theories when Buch found volcanoes resting upon solid granite, implying that they are generated below primitive rock.

      In 1806 Buch went to Scandinavia, where he established the parent source of many of the rocks found on the north German plains. He also was the first to observe that Sweden, from Frederikshald to Åbo, is slowly rising above the sea. His Scandinavian findings are given in Reise durch Norwegen und Lappland (1810; Travels Through Norway and Lapland, 1813).

      Buch visited the Canary Islands in 1815, where he studied the complex volcanic system to which the islands owe their existence. Later he walked through the Hebrides and along the coasts of Scotland and Ireland, where he examined basalt deposits.

      Upon his return to Germany, Buch continued his investigations of the structure of the Alps in an effort to explain their origin. He finally concluded that they resulted from vast upheavals of the Earth's crust. His magnificent geological map of Germany, composed of 42 sheets, anonymously published in 1826, was the first of its kind.

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