Bucer, Martin

Bucer, Martin

Protestant religious reformer
Bucer also spelled  Butzer  
born November 11, 1491, Schlettstadt, Alsace
died February 28, 1551, England

      Protestant (Protestantism) Reformer, mediator, and liturgical scholar best known for his ceaseless attempts to make peace between conflicting reform groups. He influenced not only the development of Calvinism but also the liturgical development of the Anglican Communion (Anglicanism).

      Bucer entered the Dominican monastic order in 1506. He was sent to study at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, where he became acquainted with the works of the great humanist scholar Erasmus (Erasmus, Desiderius) and of Martin Luther (Luther, Martin), the founder of the Protestant Reformation. In 1521 Bucer withdrew from the Dominicans and entered the service of the count palatine of the Rhine, one of the seven electors of the Holy Roman emperor. The following year he became pastor of Landstuhl, where he married a former nun. Excommunicated by the church in 1523, he made his way to Strasbourg, where his parents' citizenship assured him of protection. His personal charm, intellectual abilities, and zeal eventually gained him a position of leadership in Strasbourg and southern Germany.

      Under the influence of Erasmus (Erasmus, Desiderius), he had accepted the ideals of Christian humanism and the Renaissance, which called for a rebirth of what the humanists believed was the true good, the original rightness, in humans and society.

      When caught up in the enthusiasm of the Reformation that was rapidly spreading in central Europe, Bucer became a Protestant Reformer. He envisioned a renewal of the individual and society that was based on his earlier humanist views, and he believed that such a renewal would result from the preaching of the true Gospel and from faithful adherence to the divinely given pattern of living found in the Bible. This reform through conversion, piety, and discipline found its fullest expression in the massive program for the reformation of England that he presented to King Edward VI (Edward VI) of England in 1551.

      Bucer's adopted city, Strasbourg, lay between the area influenced by the most important Swiss Reformer, Huldrych Zwingli (Zwingli, Huldrych)—southern Germany and Switzerlandand the area influenced by Luthercentral and northern Germany. In 1529 Landgrave Philip of Hesse invited Zwingli and Luther, as well as other Reformers, to Marburg to see if the conflicting opinions about the Lord's Supper (Eucharist) could be reconciled, which Bucer believed was possible. At the end of the colloquy, Zwingli and Bucer proffered their hands in fellowship to Luther, who refused their offering.

      Believing that the rift between the two strands of the reform movement could be bridged, Bucer participated in nearly every meeting on religious questions held in Germany and Switzerland between 1524 and 1548. In the various colloquies between Protestants and Catholics or between German Lutheran and Swiss Reform churchmen, Bucer often advocated the use of obscure language and ambiguous formulas when explicit agreement between the opposing parties was impossible to attain. His justification for the use of ambiguity was that he believed that the essential goal was the reform of the people and the doctrinal issues could be worked out later. At Basel in 1536, Bucer participated in the writing of the First Helvetic Confession, a document that was considered by many Reformed theologians to veer too much toward Luther's views, especially regarding the Lord's Supper. At Wittenberg in the same year, Bucer took part in a conference between Lutheran (Lutheranism) and SwissSouth German theologians. Philipp Melanchthon (Melanchthon, Philipp), a Lutheran theologian to whom he has often been compared, also attended the conference. It appeared for a time as though Bucer and Melanchthon were about to achieve their goal of ending the dispute over the Lord's Supper, a dispute that had split the Reformation on the Continent into two major groups. Luther, in satisfaction over the apparent agreement that Bucer and Melanchthon had helped to bring about, declared, “We are one, and we acknowledge and receive you as our dear brethren in the Lord.” Bucer is reported to have shed tears at Luther's words. Melanchthon subsequently drew up the Wittenberg Concord incorporating the agreement, but, to Bucer's and Melanchthon's disappointment, it failed to effect a lasting union. The Swiss were unhappy that Bucer had made concessions that leaned toward the doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and some thought that he should formally recant his statements as they were incorporated in the Wittenberg Concord.

      Even though Bucer was criticized for his evasive approach and concealment of the issues in the controversies between the adherents of Zwingli and Luther, the civil authorities in many southern German areas sought his advice and guidance in arranging compromises based on edicts by local authorities. Since Bucer regarded these compromises as tailored to local circumstances, he soon was charged by all parties as having no conviction except that the end justifies the means. In his defense he claimed that each of these compromises was only a temporary measure, that he hoped that further changes gradually would be made. Bucer's policy of agreement by compromise was seen in a better light when it was applied to the problem of religious toleration. Under Bucer's policies there was less persecution of Anabaptists (Anabaptist) and other minority groups in Strasbourg than in most of Europe.

      Bucer's policy of pragmatic solutions of problems proved to be especially controversial in the case of the bigamy of Philip of Hesse (Philip). Philip, the landgrave of Hesse who had given much support to Luther, Bucer, and other reformers, had serious marital problems but thought it inadvisable to divorce his wife. Bucer aided Philip in persuading Luther, Melanchthon, and others to sanction a second wife for him on the basis of Old Testament plural marriages. In an effort to keep the scandal of Philip's bigamy secret, evasive statements were made, and the matter caused the Reformers' reputations much harm.

      Apart from promoting intra-Protestant union, Bucer had long dreamed of healing the Protestant-Catholic rift, and, in an effort to bridge these differences, he engaged in secret negotiations with certain liberal, reform-minded Catholics. The Holy Roman emperor Charles V, for political reasons, pursued similar aims. Fearing a Turkish invasion of central Europe, he wanted to restore unity between the princes of Germany. He accordingly called for a colloquy between Catholics and Protestants at Regensburg in 1541. Charles selected three Catholic and three Protestant theologians (including Bucer) to discuss an anonymous document called the Regensburg Book, which proposed steps toward Catholic-Protestant union. When Charles used Bucer's rather far-reaching concessions in his secret negotiations with the liberal Catholics as the basis for an official solution of the controversy over the Reformation, Bucer, taken by surprise, denied any participation in a scheme for union. Both Catholics and Protestants rejected the Regensburg Book. Charles settled the matter for a time by subduing the Protestant powers, which would not accept any religious compromise, by military force and by enforcing his own compromise scheme, the Augsburg Interim of 1548.

      Although the Augsburg Interim did not concede much more to Catholicism than had some of his own earlier compromise solutions, Bucer vigorously opposed its acceptance by Strasbourg. His view was that even a poor compromise was justified if it made some progress toward reform but that Strasbourg accepting the Augsburg Interim would be a step backward. The armies of Charles prevailed, however, and Strasbourg discharged Bucer and several other Protestant ministers, all of whom were invited to England by the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer (Cranmer, Thomas).

      There Bucer supported the offical, cautious reform program of Cranmer and the scholarly Nicholas Ridley (Ridley, Nicholas) against the more radical reform of the English church urged by the Zwinglian John Hooper and the Scottish Reformer John Knox (Knox, John). The First Prayer Book of Edward VI (1549), the liturgical book of the newly Reformed English church that contained evidence of Lutheran influence, was submitted for formal criticism to Bucer, who could not speak English. His assessment, the Censura, delivered to the Bishop Ely a month before Bucer died, pointed out the vague Lutheranisms of the prayer book. The Second Prayer Book of Edward VI (1552), utilizing Bucer's criticism, offended the conservatives in the English church and did not satisfy the more radical Reformers; it remained in force for about eight months. Bucer's influence as a mediator, however, continued to have its effect in subsequent attempts at compromise in the English church in the 16th century.

L.J. Trinterud

Additional Reading
The standard biography in English is Hastings Eells, Martin Bucer (1931). Wilhelm Pauck (ed.), Melanchthon and Bucer, pp. 155394 (1969), gives an English translation, with an excellent introduction and commentary, of Bucer's On the Kingdom of Christ, presented to King Edward VI for the reform of the whole of English society. Constantin Hopf, Martin Bucer and the English Reformation (1946), is a scholarly study of Bucer's role in England and is supplemented on liturgical matters by G.J. van de Poll, Martin Bucer's Liturgical Ideas (1944). Among the few monographs in English on Bucer's theology is W. Peter Stephens, The Holy Spirit in the Theology of Martin Bucer (1970). Each of the above works contains an extensive bibliography. The definitive edition of the collected works of Bucer is now in progress: the Latin works in Martini Buceri Opera Latina, ed. by François Wendel et al. (1955– ), and the German works in Deutsche Schriften, ed. by Robert Stupperich et al. (1960– ).

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