Bridges, Robert

Bridges, Robert

▪ English poet
born Oct. 23, 1844, Walmer, Kent, Eng.
died April 21, 1930, Boar's Hill, Oxford

      English poet noted for his technical mastery of prosody and for his sponsorship of the poetry of his friend Gerard Manley Hopkins (Hopkins, Gerard Manley).

      Born of a prosperous landed family, Bridges went to Eton College and then to Oxford, where he met Hopkins. His edition of Hopkins' poetry that appeared in 1916 rescued it from obscurity.

      From 1869 until 1882 Bridges worked as a medical student and physician in London hospitals. In 1884 he married Mary Monica Waterhouse, and he spent the rest of his life in virtually unbroken domestic seclusion, first at Yattendon, Berkshire, then at Boar's Hill, devoting himself almost religiously to poetry, contemplation, and the study of prosody. Although he published several long poems and poetic dramas, his reputation rests upon the lyrics collected in Shorter Poems (1890, 1894). New Verse (1925) contains experiments using a metre based on syllables rather than accents. He used this form for his long philosophical poem The Testament of Beauty, published on his 85th birthday. Bridges was poet laureate from 1913 until his death.

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  • Bridges, Robert (Seymour) — born Oct. 23, 1844, Walmer, Kent, Eng. died April 21, 1930, Boar s Hill, Oxford English poet. He published several long poems and poetic dramas, but his reputation rests on the lyrics collected in Shorter Poems (1890, 1894), which reveal his… …   Universalium

  • Bridges, Robert (Seymour) — (23 oct. 1844, Walmer, Kent, Inglaterra–21 abr. 1930, Boar s Hill, Oxford). Poeta inglés. Publicó varios poemas largos y dramas líricos, pero su fama se debe a sus piezas líricas recogidas en Shorter Poems [Poemas breves] (1890, 1894), donde se… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bridges, Robert Seymour — (1844 1930)    Born to a prosperous Suffolk family, Bridges was educated at Eton College and Corpus Christi, Oxford. He practiced medicine until 1882; after that he devoted himself almost entirely to poetry. He was adviser to the Oxford… …   British and Irish poets

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  • Robert Bridges — Robert Seymour Bridges, OM, (23 October 1844 ndash; 21 April 1930) was an English poet, and poet laureate from 1913 to 1930.LifeBridges was born in Walmer, Kent, and educated at Eton College and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. [… …   Wikipedia

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  • Robert Bridges — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Robert Bridges Robert Bridges nació el 23 de octubre de 1844 en Walmer; y falleció el 21 de abril de 1930. Fue un poeta inglés gran amigo de Gerard Manley Hopkins. Obtuvo la Orden de Mérito …   Wikipedia Español

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