

      Indians of the tropical forests of eastern Costa Rica, closely associated with the Talamancan peoples of Panama and also with the Guaymí. Their language belongs to the Chibchan family. The Bribrí are agriculturists, growing traditional staples such as corn (maize), beans, and sweet manioc (yuca), planted with the digging stick. They also hunt, fish, gather wild foods, and keep poultry and occasionally cattle. They live in small communities of single-family houses, often scattered over farmland; their houses may be conical, square, rectangular, or pyramidal, built of poles with thatched roofs coming down to the ground. Their crafts include pottery, basketry, netting, and rope making; cotton weaving is no longer done. The Bribrí's government and religion are both in states of transition from aboriginal to European types. Early 21st-century population estimates of the Bribrí range from approximately 7,000 to more than 12,000 individuals.

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  • bribri — o bribrí. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita la región meridional de Costa Rica. U. t. c. s. || 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los bribris. || 3. m. Lengua de filiación chibcha hablada por los bribris …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • bribrí — bribri o bribrí. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita la región meridional de Costa Rica. U. t. c. s. || 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los bribris. || 3. m. Lengua de filiación chibcha hablada por los bribris …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • bribri — o bribrí 1. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita la región meridional de Costa Rica. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los bribris. 3. m. Lengua de filiación chibcha hablada por los bribris …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • bribrí — bribri o bribrí 1. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita la región meridional de Costa Rica. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los bribris. 3. m. Lengua de filiación chibcha hablada por los bribris …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Bribri — The Bribri are a small indigenous tribe, around 10,000 members, living in the Talamanca canton inside of the Limón Province in Costa Rica. They speak the Bribri language. There are varying estimates of the population of the tribe. According to a… …   Wikipedia

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  • bribri — ˈbrēˌbrē noun (plural bribri or bribris) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Spanish, of American Indian origin 1. a. : a Chibchan people of Panama and Costa Rica b …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bribri language — The Bribri language is a tonal language spoken by the Bribri peoples from Costa Rica. It belongs to the Chibchan language family and there are about 6,000 speakers.=External Links= [ A… …   Wikipedia

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