

Spartan military officer

died 422 BC, Amphipolis, Macedonia [now in Greece]

      Spartan officer generally considered the only commander of genius produced by Sparta during the Archidamian War (431421), the first decade of the Peloponnesian War (431404) between Athens and Sparta. Through his eloquence and charm, qualities unusual in a Spartan, he earned the admiration of many of Athens' allies, thus paving the way for the revolts against Athens that took place after the failure (413) of the Athenian expedition against Syracuse, Sicily.

      Brasidas first distinguished himself in combat in 431. In 424 he frustrated an Athenian attack on Megara and immediately set about breaking up the Athenian empire in the north, winning over to Sparta the cities of Acanthus and Stagirus (both in Chalcidice) and, most important, the Athenian colony of Amphipolis. A truce was concluded between Athens and Sparta in the spring of 423, but Brasidas refused to give up Scione, and he occupied Mende (in Chalcidice) shortly afterward. In April 422 the truce with Sparta expired, and the Athenians sent Cleon to recover their former possessions on the coast of Thrace. By skillful generalship Brasidas routed the Athenians at Amphipolis, but both he and Cleon were killed, thereby removing the key members of the pro-war faction of both sides. The Peace of Nicias was concluded the next year.

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