Brahm, Otto

Brahm, Otto

German critic
born Feb. 5, 1856, Hamburg [Germany]
died Nov. 28, 1912, Berlin, Ger.

      German literary critic and man of the theatre whose realistic staging exerted considerable influence on 20th-century theatre.

      In 1889 Brahm helped establish and then directed the theatre company Freie Bühne (“Free Stage”), and in 1890 he founded a periodical of the same name (later Neue Deutsche Rundschau). The Freie Bühne theatre was modeled after André Antoine (Antoine, André)'s celebrated naturalistic Théâtre-Libre in Paris. It had no official home and presented its productions in various rented auditoriums throughout Berlin. Its main contribution was to provide a private showcase for plays banned on public stages.

      The Freie Bühne introduced the iconoclastic plays of Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy to Germany and staged the first performances of plays by the major German dramatist Gerhart Hauptmann (Hauptmann, Gerhart). Despite its influence, it closed after two seasons, though it staged occasional productions for another three years whenever a play Brahm deemed worthy was denied a public license. By 1894, however, the mission of the Freie Bühne had been fulfilled as the new drama had become accepted fare throughout Germany.

      In that year Brahm was appointed director of the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. His productions, which were obsessively concerned with the exact reproduction of reality (realism), aimed at natural dialogue and the careful integration of character, incident, and environment. Brahm stimulated existing German realism to fresh efforts and encouraged writers to treat such topics as abnormalities of conduct, crime, disease, and the lives of the proletariat. Under his guidance, the Deutsches Theater was a popular and critical success. When he resigned his post in 1904 and turned leadership over to Max Reinhardt (Reinhardt, Max), Brahm was appointed director of the Lessing Theatre in Berlin, where he remained until his death.

      Brahm's works of criticism consist of a monograph on Heinrich von Kleist (Kleist, Heinrich von), an unfinished book on Friedrich von Schiller, and a collection of theatrical criticism published posthumously.

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