Brabant Revolution

Brabant Revolution

European history
      (178990), a short-lived revolt of the Belgian provinces of the Austrian Netherlands against Habsburg rule. Centred in the province of Brabant, the revolution was precipitated by the comprehensive reforms of the Holy Roman emperor Joseph II (reigned 176590); these violated various medieval charters of provincial and local liberties, including Brabant's Joyeuse Entrée, which was abrogated by the emperor in 1789. The revolutionaries were at first successful in driving the Austrian forces out of the provinces. The revolutionary vanguard, which consisted of two groupsthe conservative Statists, led by Henri van der Noot (Noot, Henri van der), and the progressive Vonckists, led by Jean-François Vonck (Vonck, Jean-François)—issued a republican declaration of independence on Jan. 11, 1790. The Vonckists were dissatisfied with the constitution, which called for a loose confederation similar to that of the Dutch Republic; they were soon outlawed by the more popular Statists. The Brabant Revolution, which was largely a middle-class affair, was crushed by Austrian forces at the end of the year, but it inspired the Belgian quest for independence in succeeding decades.

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