Borowski, Tadeusz

Borowski, Tadeusz

Polish author
born November 12, 1922, Zhitomir, Ukrainian S.S.R. [now Zhytomyr, Ukraine]
died July 3, 1951, Warsaw, Poland

      Polish poet and short-story writer noted for his vigorous, desperate search for moral values that might withstand such realities as the horrors of the Nazi occupation.

      Born into a Polish family in the Ukraine, Borowski went to Poland and in 1932 settled in Warsaw. During World War II he started to write poetry, publishing in 1942 his clandestine collection Gdziekolwiek ziemia (“Wherever the Earth”). He was arrested and sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943 and then deported to the Dachau camp in Germany. Immediately after the war, together with Krystyn Olszewski and Janusz Nel Siedlecki, Borowski published in Munich, Germany, the recollections Byliśmy w Oświęcimiu (1946; We Were in Auschwitz). After his return to Poland he published two collections of short stories, Pożegnanie z Marią (1948; “Farewell to Maria”) and Kamienny świat (1948; “The World of Stone”), that explored the depths of human degradation in the Nazi concentration camps. (Both collections appear in the English translation This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Other Stories [1967].)

      In 1948 Borowski cofounded an organization known as the Club of Young Artists and Scholars, which began a close collaboration with the communist regime. As a journalist, he published numerous collections of short stories and articles supportive of the regime. Depressed by a number of personal problems, he committed suicide.

Jerzy R. Krzyzanowski

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