

      state, northeastern Nigeria. It is the central fragment of the old Bornu empire of the Kanuri people. Its name is said to meanHome of the Berbers.”

      The territory became part of Northern Nigeria after the division of Bornu between the British and the French at the turn of the century and became Borno state in 1967. Borno state was divided in 1991, and its western half became Yobe state. Borno borders the Republic of Niger to the north, Lake Chad (and the Republic of Chad) to the northeast, and Cameroon to the east; on the south and west it borders the Nigerian states of Adamawa, Gombe, and Yobe.

      The vegetation in Borno state is mainly of the Sudan savanna type, which includes the acacia (a source of gum arabic), baobab, locust bean, shea butter, dum palm, and kapok trees; however, there is a region of Sahel savanna, mostly thorn scrub and with sandy soils, in the north. Prominent physical features include the Bornu Plains, the volcanic Biu Plateau, and the firki (“black cotton”) swamps south and southwest of Lake Chad. Most of the state is drained by seasonal rivers flowing toward Lake Chad. The far south, however, is drained by the Gongola River, a tributary of the Benue.

      The Kanuri are the dominant ethnic group, but the area also contains clusters of other peoples. The growing of sorghum, millet, peanuts (groundnuts), onions, corn (maize), sesame, acha (“hungry rice”), cotton, and indigo and the herding of cattle are the chief occupations, with fishing significant around Lake Chad. The lake is connected to Maiduguri by a road from Baga, a town on a peninsula extending into the lake. The Lake Chad Commission, established (1964) by Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria, is charged with regulating the use of the waters of the lake and the basin for the development of livestock, crop, fishery, and water resources. Nigeria also has established a Chad Basin Authority.

       Maiduguri is the state capital, its main industrial centre, and by far its largest city. Biu and Bama also are sizable market towns. Maiduguri has an airport and is served by a railway to Bauchi and the south, as well as by trunk roads to Potiskum, Bauchi, Yola, and Ndjamena (Chad). Pop. (2006) 4,151,193.

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Universalium. 2010.

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