Bodel, Jehan

Bodel, Jehan

French writer
Jehan also spelled  Jean  
born c. 1167, Arras, Artois [France]
died 1210, Arras

      jongleur, epic poet, author of fabliaux, and dramatist, whose Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas (“Play of St. Nicholas”) is the first miracle play in French.

      Bodel probably held public office in Arras and certainly belonged to one of its puys, or literary confraternities. He planned to go on the Fourth Crusade but, stricken with leprosy, was admitted to a lazar house, where he died. He wrote five pastourelles (four in 119094; one in 1199), nine fabliaux (119097), La Chanson des Saisnes (before 1200; “Song of the Saxons”), Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas (performed c. 1200), and Les Congés (1202; “Leave-Takings”), his poignant farewell to his friends, a lyrical poem of 42 stanzas.

      Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas treats a theme presented in Latin, notably by Hilarius (flourished 1125), giving it new form and dimensions by relating it to the Crusades. In Bodel's play the saint's image, to which the sole survivor of a Christian army is found praying, becomes the agent of a miracle. The image is found by the victorious Saracens, but when placed upon the Saracen king's treasure it does not prevent the treasure's removal by thieves, who interrupt their dicing, drinking, and brawling (in tavern scenes given local colour by their portrayal of the people and manners of Arras) to carry it away. The saint himself appears, however, and compels the rogues to return the treasure, and as a result the Saracen king and his people are converted to Christianity.

      In its crusading fervour, piety, and satirical wit, Bodel's Le Jeu is outstanding. It is also of importance because of the introduction of comic scenes based on contemporary life and for being possibly the first of the Latin college plays to be translated into vernacular verse. La Chanson des Saisnes, a successful late epic, adds roman d'aventure episodes to a historical narrative of Charlemagne's Saxon wars.

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Universalium. 2010.

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