Bock, Fedor von

Bock, Fedor von

German military officer
born Dec. 3, 1880, Küstrin, near Berlin, Ger.
died May 1945, Lensahn, Holstein

      German army officer and field marshal (from 1940), who participated in the German occupation of Austria and the invasions of Poland, France, and Russia during World War II.

      Educated at the Potsdam military school, Bock was assigned to an infantry guards regiment in 1897 and advanced to a captaincy by 1914. Emerging from World War I as a major, he became commander of the 3rd Army group in 1920 and remained in that post until 1938, when Adolf Hitler made him commander of the 1st Army group. During the invasion of Belgium and France in May and June 1940, he commanded the lower Somme army group. He was one of the 12 German generals whom Hitler created field marshals of the Reich on July 19, 1940.

      In 1941 Bock took command of the central German armies in the Russian campaign. He dealt the Russians some of their severest defeats in the early part of the campaign, notably at Bialystok and Minsk and also, later, at Smolensk and Vyazma. He unleashed six separate major offensives against Moscow in the fall of 1941 but failed to take the city. Then Bock began his series oforderly retreatsanddefensive actions.” He was later shifted to the southern front and led the columns that bludgeoned their way to Stalingrad in the big German summer offensive of 1942. He was relieved of his command when he complained of the strategic impracticality of operating massive German offensives simultaneously against Stalingrad and in the Caucasus. Bock was killed along with his wife and daughter in an air raid.

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Universalium. 2010.

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