Bloembergen, Nicolaas

Bloembergen, Nicolaas

American physicist
born March 11, 1920, Dordrecht, Neth.

      Dutch-born American physicist, corecipient with Arthur Leonard Schawlow (Schawlow, Arthur L.) of the United States and Kai Manne Börje Siegbahn (Siegbahn, Kai Manne Börje) of Sweden (qq.v.) of the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physics for their revolutionary spectroscopic studies of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Bloembergen made a pioneering use of lasers in these investigations.

      Bloembergen received undergraduate (1941) and graduate (1943) degrees from the University of Utrecht. In 1946 he entered Harvard University, where with Edward Purcell and Robert Pound he did fundamental research on nuclear magnetic resonance. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Leiden in 1948, he returned to Harvard, where he became a professor of applied physics in 1951 and Gerhard Gade university professor in 1980. He became a U.S. citizen in 1958.

      Bloembergen's early research on nuclear magnetic resonance led him to an interest in masers (maser). He designed a three-stage crystal maser that was dramatically more powerful than earlier gaseous masers and that has become the most widely used microwave amplifier. Bloembergen then developed laser spectroscopy, which allows high-precision observations of atomic structure. His laser spectroscopic investigations led him in turn to formulate nonlinear optics, a new theoretical approach to the analysis of how electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter. Bloembergen's research in nonlinear optics helped procure him a share of the Nobel Prize.

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  • Bloembergen , Nicolaas — (1920–) Dutch–American physicist Bloembergen was born in Dordrecht in the Netherlands and was educated at the universities of Utrecht and Leiden, where he obtained his PhD in 1948. He moved to America soon afterward, joined the Harvard staff in… …   Scientists

  • Bloembergen, Nicolaas — ► (n. 1920) Científico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Física en 1981, compartido con A. Schawlow y K. Siegbahn, por sus trabajos sobre la estructura del átomo …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bloembergen — Nicolaas …   Scientists

  • Bloembergen — Bloembergen, Nicolaas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Nicolaas Bloembergen — Born March 11, 1920 (1920 03 11) (age 91) …   Wikipedia

  • Nicolaas Bloembergen — (* 11. März 1920 in Dordrecht, Niederlande) ist ein US amerikanischer Physiker. Er promovierte 1948 an der Universität Leiden. Von 1946 bis 1990 lehrte Bloembergen an der Harvard University, zuerst als Assistent (und 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bloembergen — Nicolaas Bloembergen (* 11. März 1920 in Dordrecht/Niederlande) ist ein US amerikanischer Physiker. Er promovierte 1948 an der Universität Leiden. Von 1946 bis 1990 lehrte Bloembergen an der Harvard University. Seit 2001 ist er Professor an der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nicolaas Bloembergen — (11 mars 1920) est un physicien néerlandais naturalisé américain. Il obtint son Ph.D. à l université de Leyde en 1948 et devint professeur à l université Harvard. Il est colauréat avec Arthur Leonard Schawlow de la moitié du prix Nobel de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nicolaas Bloembergen — (Dordrecht, Países Bajos 1920) es un físico y profesor universitario estadounidense, de origen holandés, galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Física del año 1981. Biografía Nació el 11 de marzo de 1920 en la ciudad holandesa de Dordrecht. Estudió… …   Wikipedia Español

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